Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Keep your shoes on

(clip art from So, this morning there was a tornado warning. It has passed and most of the danger is behind us - at least where we sit here in West Georgia.
That is not the case for some other parts northeast of us. So I am still watching the news broadcast, which is warning those in the area of the storm to be careful, not go out, get to an interior place in your home, don't go out and get your kids from school since you'll put yourself at risk.... la, la, la

I know this, and most people do. I EVEN HAVE A 48 HOUR KIT WAITING FOR ME IN A CLOSET! (put one together for the FIRST TIME in the summer). But I heard one thing that I had never, ever thought of from the television:
"If you are at home and are in an interior room MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR SHOES ON."

Even though I actually have shoes on right now, I am a barefoot kind of gal. I would have never really considered this - what is even more important - my little offspring run around shoeless constantly. We are a "Put your shoes on in the car" kind of family.
So when you hear those sirens - Put your shoes on - and then throw some shoes on your little ones. I know it is common sense, but it's something that at least in my case needed some deliberate thought.
Well, there go the sirens again - I need to go small shoe hunting

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